Kiitos Nina (Adventures of the K Family) ja Ice Princess (Snapshots from California) tähän haastavaan haasteeseen haastamisesta
Faktat ensin...
- Olen kummallinen aamuihminen: Rakastan aamuja, mutta en halua jakaa niitä kenenkään kanssa
- Minulla on kutiamispäiviä: joinain päivinä kutian tosi helposti, toisina en ollenkaan
- Olen aina pitänyt koulusta (silloinkin kun sitä ei voinut sanoa ääneen). Jos opiskelusta maksettaisiin, olisi unelma ammattini varmastikin opiskelija
- Liikutun ja itken todella helposti elokuvia ja telkkariohjelmia katsellessani
- Olen innostuja. Innostun helposti ja täysillä
- Haluaisin käyttää korkokenkiä, mutten tunne oloani luonnolliseksi korkkarit jalassa (+ Phillin perässä on muutenkin vaikea pysyä)
- Kärsivällisyyteni/kärsimättömyyteni on hyvin valikoivaa. Lasten kanssa olen todella kärsivällinen, mutta odottaminen ja jonottaminen ottavat usein koville
- Inhoan pikaruokahampurilaisia, mutta rakastan oikeita, meheviä ja lihaisia, hampurilaisia (ja lihapullia!)
- Syön melkeinpä joka päivä jogurttia
- Olen huono tunnistamaan ihmisiä kadulla. Näimme kerran Magic Johnsonnin Los Angelesissa, mutta minulla ei ollut hajuakaan kuka hän oli ennen kuin Phill kertoi minulle
- Juuri USA:han muutettuani (eli 6 vuotta sitten) minulle tultiin sanomaan kolme kertaa, että näytän Kirsten Dunstilta. Otan sen kohteliaisuutena, vaikken kyllä yhdennäköisyyttä koskaan huomannutkaan
Ice Princess:
- Did you celebrate Thanksgiving? If so, how? I sure did. It was probably my favorite Thanksgiving ever. Good food and even better company!
- When do you put Christmas tree up? Growing up, we put our tree up the night before Christmas Eve. Phill and I don't have a set date for that. Just before Christmas, probably...
- Real of fake? Real! Always real.
- Favorite Christmas food? Finnish Christmas cookies with blue cheese (Cookies are food, right?
- What is the worst gift you've ever gotten from your parents? I'm lucky, they don't give bad gifts
- Did you brave the crowds at Black Friday? No... We made it to the mall but turned around because couldn't find parking. So, we came back home to eat leftovers and watch movies. Way better deal I think.
- How and with who will you be celebrating Christmas? I don't know yet. Definitely with Phill, maybe with some friends too. We'll eat well, play games, read, relax, have a picnic and so on...
- How many elves does Santa have? I don't know but they're everywhere!
- Favorite Christmas smell/scent? The smell of delicious food
- What is your favorite Christmas memory? Hmmm...tricky one... I love the general spirit of Christmas when you feel truly, madly, deeply, completely happy
- What do you hope to accomplish next year? Another tricky one. More happines and getting a new and challenging job
- What is your favorite Christmas memory? See above (lazy is my middle name)
- Wrapping paper of gift bags? Wrapping paper. So much more fun!
- What is your favorite Christmas movie? The snowman. I watched it every single Christmas Eve when I still lived in Finland
- Favorite Christmas song(s)? Varpunen jouluaamuna. It's a smiling through my tears - kind of song
- Time for confession: have you recycled Christmas presents? Never!
- Do you send Christmas cards? Mail or email? Do you buy them from the store, make yourself,...? Unfortunately I don't. I'm very bad with cards. I always buy them but never remember to mail them. I suck.
- Is there anything annoying about this time of year? If so, what is it? The crowds. There are moments when I just hate people :p
- What do you usually serve on Christmas dinner? I don't like traditional Finnish Christmas foods but we follow the idea: smashed potatoes, pork or turkey, and roasted root vegetables + smoked fish, cheese, rye bread, Christmas cookies, date cake etc...
- What are some of your favorite Christmas decorations that you are going to put up? (or have already put up...:-) ) Do you prefer themed or homey Christmas trees? My favorite decoration is a traditional Finnish enkelikello. I put it up yesterday (and realized I have only four candles left for it...) As far as trees go, homey tree is my thing
- What kind of tree topper do you have? Angel, star, something else? Ok, this is silly... Our topper is a reindeer finger puppet. Our first tree together was a little table tree and I put the reindeer up there as a joke. I never took it off and we started to like it. Next year the reindeer went back up without questions...we had created a tradition :).
- What are some of your most important Christmas traditions? Picnic (another unintentional tradition), The Snowman -movie, Christmas Morning breakfast, (when in Finland) a trip to the cemetery
My not so Christmasy questions:
What is your favorite weekday and why? Mikä on lempi viikonpäiväsi ja miksi?
Describe your day with 3 words... Kuvaile päivääsi kolmella sanalla...
Do you make New Year's resolutions? Teetkö uudenvuodenlupauksia?
What is your favorite song right now? Mikä on lempi laulusi juuri nyt?
Do you ever sing alone? Laulatko koskaan yksin?
Do you have any guilty pleasures? Onko sinulla mitään "kiellettyjä" nautintoja?
What is the most memorable vacation you ever took? Mikä oli ikimuistoisin lomasi?
Where would you like to travel next? Minne haluaisit matkustaa seuraavaksi?
What is your favorite sound in the world? Mikä on lempiäänesi maailmassa?
If you were an animal it would be...? Jos olisit eläin, se olisi...?
Your one wish for Santa? Yksi toivomus joulupukille?
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